Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 97

Lifted lousily.

Then walked.

I felt a little weird when i got up, i vaguely recall waking up in the night, so maybe i was a bit ill-rested.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 96

Jogged 4.12mi in 43:30 -- a 5.68mph pace.

Again, not stellar numbers, but I did jog 2.5 miles at 6.9mph before taking a break, so that's good.  I also felt fine afterward.

Weight remains a bit high - 178 - i don't think it's muscle.  We'll see if i can't claw some jam off my back of the next couple weeks.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 95

Boot Camp

That was super hard -- maybe it was the week out of town that took it out of me -- sleeping and eating differently.  I'll hope so.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 94

Lifted weights.

Hit a few things hard: dead lifts, chest press, curls, and military press, but not much beyond that.  Then I walked for 13 minutes.

I was a little sore from yesterday's spin class (more saddle-sore than muscle-sore), and a little drowsy.

I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger, and that my efforts might be better spent on less focused weight-training and more on comprehensive toning.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 93

Class - Spin!

My first spin class -- it was very hard.  The instructor did note that it was a particularly hard class and not one she'd have recommended as a first attempt, so perhaps the future will be easier.  Even so, I survived.

They also do a mini-bootcamp type workout beforehand which i didn't know about, but will participate in next time.

This could be a good Tuesday activity.  My ever-fluctuating regimen as it stands now:

  • Monday - Jog
  • Tuesday - Spin
  • Wednesday - Lift
  • Thursday - Elliptical & Row
  • Friday - Boot Camp
It's a good variety, if not a particularly targeted approach at exercise.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 92

Jogged 4.1mi at a 5.47mph pace.

 Not my fastest, but I was sore from a reasonably active weekend -- I did Habitat for Humanity on Saturday (build day 1 -- lots of hammering and lifting OSB), and splashed around in the lake with the kids on Sunday.

I actually walked a lot during my "jog" this morning, but interspersed it with slightly faster runs - usually back around 7.2mph, and then finished with 2 minutes at 8.5mph.

I ate a lot over the weekend.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 91

Boot Camp

Hard as usual, but not as hard as previously.  Alternate instructor actually lets you breathe.  I still fell far short on the abdominal exercises.

I'll start doing daily situps and pushups at home.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 90

30 minutes of elliptical & 10 minutes of rowing.

Thursdays are a wildcard day for me - i've occasionally skipped exercise, or swum, or made stuff up.  Today was a pretty good made-up day.

I did elliptical for 30 minutes on level 15 at ~60rpm -- got me good and sweaty and supposedly burned a bit over 500 calories.  I tried to deliberately use my arms and shoulders to relieve my legs -- it went okay.

Then, hoping to give a little more attention to my core/back i tried a rowing machine.  I don't know how much it did my core or back, but it certainly hit my shoulders hard.  Just doing 10 minutes was a challenge -- i did it on the hardest setting (10) and probably averaged 27 strokes per minute.  That supposedly burned off another 130 or so calories.

In all, a good cardio workout that only hit my shoulders particularly hard -- hopefully i'll be able to do boot camp tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 89

Traipsed 4.04 mi in 45 minutes -- a 5.4mph pace.

Definitely one of my weaker efforts, but i was sore from yesterday's lift.  I look at it as good for basic cardio fitness and burning off about 559 of the calories i ate last night in cereal.  Certainly better than skipping the day.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 88


I did my dumb bell chest press, dead lifts, situps, and various shoulder-oriented stuff.  I wimped out on pull-ups, curls, and squats.  I also did 10 minutes of vigorous walking.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 87

Longer and slower: 5.05 mi in 55 minutes (a 5.5mph pace).

I expected to be fresher/stronger coming off of a 2 week hiatus and full of food, but apparently not.  I jogged some but walked a lot to try to get my body back into working shape.

Between renewing my exercise and going back to my planned dietary practices I hope i can shed some of the obvious (and slightly uncomfortable) weight i've gained.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 86

Jogged 4.77 mi at a 6.36mph pace -- tied my previous best.

But this time was on hills and consequently burned more calories (707, if the machine is to be believed).  I think i could have kept going for a little while too -- i felt okay at the end.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 85

Boot Camp class.

Guest teach - a little more repetitive today than usual, but still strong overall workout.  I'm surprised i'm not more fit than I am -- I've worked pretty hard for pretty long and can't come close to doing all these calisthenics.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 84

Jogged 4.26mi at 5.68mph.

Not a great day, except insofar as i have skipped Thursdays recently but actually exercised today.  The random hill intervals the treadmill gives me are hard!  I feel some of yesterday's workout - maybe that impacted my jogging.

My weight has crept up as i've softened my hard line stances on eating.  I need to renew my efforts there.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 83


A little heavier than usual for chest and dead lift.  A little fewer for some other things.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 82

Jogged 4.46mi at 5.95mph pace (in my fixed 45 minutes).

Not my furthest or fastest (I walked for 4 minutes in the middle), but pretty good.  I again did random hills on the treadmill at 6.8mph, on level 7, which varied the incline between 0 and 6.3 in increments of .9.  The steep parts were tough.  Hopefully these intervals are as beneficial as everyone says.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 81

Swam 10 laps.

I wanted something that wouldn't leave me sore for Friday's bootcamp, but would jangle the muscles loose that I'd exercised on Wednesday.  Swimming seemed ideal.

It was a lot harder than i remembered!  I didn't hurt myself this time, though, and I didn't hate it.  Perhaps I can work it back into the rotation.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 80

Lifted heavy weights and did some elliptical.

Again focused on my core with crunches and dead lifts (155lbs!), but also hit arms (45 lb dumbbell chest press) and legs (squats holding 35lb dumbbells).

I tried another couple motions to get my sides and upper back -- we'll see if it makes me sore.

Then I hit the elliptical pretty hard for 10 mins to work out the kinks and stretched.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 79

Jogged 4.26 miles at 5.68mph.

That's a step back speed and distance-wise from my recent trend, which I attribute to trying an interval program today.  I asked for 'random' hills at level 5 (of 20) for 40 minutes (then 5 minutes of cool down).  It was harder than usual, but less boring.  Even so, I couldn't jog the whole time -- either because I was sore from Friday or just had poor will-power i walked for about 4 minutes in the middle.

Even so, I'm pleased with it -- i'll do it several more times and see if i can do better.

I gained 4 lbs over the weekend -- evidently sweet cereal, grilled cheese, pizza, and cookies aren't the way to keep weight off.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 78

Class - Boot Camp.

Different instructor today -- it was still immensely hard but a little different somehow.  Maybe a few more exercise variants with fewer reps each?  In any case it was still brutal and i'll feel it tomorrow.  Good stuff.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 77

Jogged 4.65 mi at a 6.2mph pace.

Again, not my fastest (though top 3), but a victory in the sense that by going slower than earlier i was able to go longer.  I jogged both longer and faster than on Monday (of which i was proud) -- I jogged for 38 solid minutes going a minimum of 6.7mph, and walked on either end.

A colleague told me that steady pace and steady incline is a terrible way to do this, and indicated intervals and hill programs on treadmills were the thing.  I'll try that for a few weeks and see if it's easier or harder and whether it makes me any better.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 76


Miscellaneous free weights -- a little heavier than usual for fewer reps.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 75

Jogged 4.59 mi at a 6.1mph pace.

Although it wasn't my best day speed or distance-wise, i would rate it my best jog yet because I jogged 3.86 miles solid.  The reason it wasn't a record was because I did it at a slower speed on the treadmill than usual - 6.5 mph rather than my usual 7.5.  So I jogged nearly the whole time instead of interspersing walking -- i don't know if that's better or worse for my heart and/or muscles, but it felt like an accomplishment.

This weekend we went back to the trail leading to Sope creek -- good times, and a little exercise:

View 6/1/2013 11:41AM in a larger map

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 74

Lifted various free weights.

Did most of my regimen again, with some variation and some emphasis on core.  Roughly:
  • chest press (40lb dumb bells)
  • dead lift (135 lb bar)
  • sit ups
  • curls (35,30,25 lbs each hand)
  • hanging knee lifts
  • overhead press (30,25,20 lbs each hand)
  • a few squats with 25 lb dumb bells.
Then I did 10 minutes of elliptical to knock loose anything else.

Felt fine.  I don't know if i'm getting stronger or bigger, but that regimen will probably maintain some strength/durability.  I'll keep doing push-ups and squats at home since the muscles seem to bear it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 73

Jogged 4.77 mi - avg 6.36mph.

My best jogging day yet -- probably due to coming off of a long break(holiday weekend & missed my Friday workout due to a meeting).   I also ate a lot over the weekend, which can only help fitness.

We checked out a new trail this weekend with the family -- Sope Creek -- which was excellent.  Great rocks and water for kids to play on and a little bit of exercise for me -- more than i'd get eating brownies, anyway.

View Sope Creek Entrance in a larger map

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 72

37 minutes on an elliptical machine.

I was looking for something to do on Thursdays that wouldn't leave me spent for Friday's "boot camp" class.  I considered swimming, but I'm still angry at it.  Jogging makes my calves sore.  Lifting is right out.

So i tried the elliptical machine -- not bad.  I did about 37 minutes (including cool down), mostly on level 11, and apparently burned 420 calories.  It got my heart up and made me sweaty, but i wasn't winded like i get with running.  I tried to use mostly arms, and those pulling (to hit biceps - i get enough triceps elsewhere).

I feel fine now, we'll see if i'm fine tomorrow.  Could be just the thing for Thursdays.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 71

Jogged 4.45 miles in 45 minutes - a 5.9mph pace.

Not one of my good days, but acceptable.  I was a little stiff/sore from lifting yesterday, and felt the jogging in my legs more than I'm used to (normally breathing is the sole constraint), but I think I was just feeling wimpy and didn't push too hard.  I did do two miles out of the gate, then walked a lot in the middle.  I did 2 minutes at 9mph at the end, though.

I also did about 10 pullups and 20 hanging leg-lifts just to drive home the point that arms and abs need to get stronger.  I did a few extra push-ups last night too.

Weight-wise I'm continuing to generally fall - averaging around 176 the last few weeks but dipping as low as 174 today (middle of week 18)

(red = week's max, green = week's min, blue = week's avg).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 70

Lifted heavy things.

I again hit my core extra hard with situps and leg lifts, and the other dumb-bell based arm/shoulder and leg/back stuff I'd been doing: chest press, overhead, squats, curls, and deadlift with a bar.

I tried to do a little extra weight on some exercises to get stronger, but couldn't do as many reps that way.  I'll try that for a while and see if it does anything.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 69

Jogged 4.65 mi in 45 minutes.  a 6.2mph pace.

My best 45 minute stint yet, despite some stiffness in the legs from Friday's boot camp.  I didn't think I'd be able to complete a mile, but I ticked off two at 7.5mph before my first walking spell, and after just a couple minutes bumped back up to 7.0 for another 1.5mi.  Then I walked again, and finished up the 40 minutes with 3.5 minutes at 8mph, then the 5 minutes of cool-down.

Pretty good, and I think i'll be well enough tomorrow to lift.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 68

Third boot camp class - hardest one yet.

I took the day off yesterday to be ready for it, but i wasn't even close.  I'll keep at it and get better or die trying.

I cheated on my "no sweets during the week" policy, but didn't immediately die.  I may be plateauing weight-wise -- i wonder if my diet will need to change if i have less fat to burn off.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 67

Jogged 4.4 miles in 45 mins - a 5.9mph pace.

I am surprised at how little I am sore from yesterday's lifting.  I feel it, but it's not at all debilitating like I'm used to.  Nevertheless, I felt pretty terrible during the run - probably because I ate and drank immediately beforehand.

I've gotten a couple comments at work about being gaunt and malnourished.  The wife assures me these people are crazy.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 66

Lifted various heavy things.

I hit my core harder than usual via sit-ups and hanging leg-lifts.  Otherwise did some chest press, overhead press, squats, and curls with dumb bells and some dead lifts with the bar.  I'll feel it tomorrow, but for now i feel pretty good.

I am somewhat shamed since my 5 year old, on a whim, did 70 situps a couple days ago -- I can't even get close to that.  I'll keep hitting stomach hard.

I need to find a good way to get upper back.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 65

Jogged 4 miles over 42 minutes.

As usual, it was a combination of jogging and walking, and it was less than my "big" jog day where I go a little further and a little faster in 45 minutes.  I wasn't feeling great this morning for some reason -- maybe it was the sore calf, maybe the banana i ate in the morning, or perhaps the hundred pounds of ice cream i ate this weekend.

In any case I went slower and easier than usual, so hopefully I'll be fresher for tomorrow's lift and core beating.

I gained 5.5 lbs since Friday!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 64

Class - Boot Camp

That's a tough class.  More strength today than aerobic stuff, I thought, and I was able to do a little bit more. Lots of jumping jacks, and squat thrust-type things, push-ups and crunches and leg lifts and stuff for obliques, and variations on lunges.

I need to work on my core -- my abs are woefully inadequate to do the things the instructor demands.  I think my workout from Tuesday was a good start -- if I can hit my core really hard twice a week I think i'll make some progress.

the class is not what I'd call "fun" but it is profitable suffering, and misery does love company.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 63

Shazbot & Sux0r & Swimming.

I forced myself to swim.  I swam only 4 laps before deciding to give up.  Then i swam one more to spite myself.  I'm sure it was mostly psychological, although my shoulder nagged me a little, and unlike previous sessions of swimming I felt my soreness.  So I gave up after 5 laps and soaked and sulked in the hot tub.

Weak sauce.  At least I'll be well-rested for tomorrow's boot camp.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 62


4.44 mi in 45 mins - 3.5 mi of jogging, .94mi walking.  Average speed 5.92mph.  This is slower than usual, but satisfactory in my mind.  My legs were a little sore from yesterday's squats, but not bad.

My heart still gets really high (>190bpm) when I'm jogging -- i wonder if that'll come down with time -- and I don't feel like I'm able to go a lot further.  Perhaps this is one of those plateaus I'll suddenly break through at some point.

Continuing to stretch -- another week or two and I bet I'll be able to touch my toes for the first time.  Pretty exciting!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 61

Lifted following a loose adaptation of my original routine:

  • chest press: 2x35 lb dumbbells - sets of 12, 10, and 8.
  • dead lift: 135lb - sets of 8,7,5
  • stomach: about 40 situps and about 40 hanging leg lifts.
  • squat: did 3 sets of 12 holding 2x25lb dumbbells.
  • curls: did 3 sets of 12 with 2x25 lb dumbbells.
  • overhead: 3 sets of 10, with 25, 15, and 10 lbs -- those are so hard!

then biked for 10 minutes with my heart at 160bpm, then stretched.

I am pleased -- it took a little over 45 mins, wasn't TOO strenuous (hopefully i won't be sore for days), but hit the big areas and places i need it (core & overhead).

I noticed a couple hours afterward that i feel good from exercising for the first time in a couple weeks.  Not just not sore, but actually good.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 60

Jogged (+walked) 3.7mi in 35 minutes.

I went easier today because I was still very sore from Friday's "Boot Camp" class.  Even so, the shorter time meant i spent a greater proportion jogging than usual, so my average speed was 6.4mph rather than 6.1.  I jogged around 2.5mi of the 3.7, and did the last 90 seconds of my last jogging stint at 9mph.

I am ambivalent regarding my exercise - on one hand i am extremely pleased with my vastly improved cardio performance and weight loss, but on the other am amazed at how sore i frequently am and how challenging i found friday's class.  I'll try to see it as a challenge to improve.

My weight loss is definitely noticeable -- I've dropped 2 belt notches and have gone beyond the "clothes fitting better" phase into the "clothes fitting worse" phase as they become looser.  I don't see significantly more muscular definition, but I can feel more of it as my fat recedes.  I wonder how long this can go on.

I wish I wanted to swim - I know it's good for me, and it was great when i was too sore to do anything else, but, alas, I still grin inwardly every time i walk past the pool and don't have to get in it.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 59

Did a fitness class called "Bootcamp"

It was a combination of strength and cardio - lots of jumping jacks and pushups and lunges and situps and knee-lifts and sideways trotting and other things whose names i don't know.  It was an hour long, comprehensive and VERY hard - I'd guess I probably only did a third of the reps he requested.

They do it every friday - I think I'll go back.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 58

Light Jogging.

I was still sore from Monday, and added soreness from Tuesday, so that this morning I was laughably debilitated.  I debated not doing anything, but the wife encouraged me to at least walk and stretch.

So I walked (and added a little jogging).  I went 2.5mi instead of 4.5, taking 24 minutes instead of 45, jogged 1.5mi instead of 3, on a 0 incline instead of 1, and burned 300 calories instead of 600.  Then I stretched.

The upshot is that i came out of exercising considerably more limber and spry than I went into it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 57

Lifted weights.

I did less variety but upped the intensity in accordance with the trendy Giles Corey fitness program.  I hit core the hardest, with some attention to back, shoulders, triceps and thighs.  My calves are quite sore from yesterday's run and I was reluctant to hit arms/shoulders too hard after my recent injury.

I hit 175lbs - a local minimum weight, which is a fun psychological milestone   Except for a brief period while in the clutches of Lyme disease I haven't been that low in over a decade.

Other note: This morning I got the results of the first physical I've had since childhood - generally good.  My BMI (24.8) just barely squeaked under the limit for "overweight" so when I refute the wife's accusations that I am fat, I will be technically correct (the most important kind of correct).  I am on track to avoid diabetes, but my LDL is high.  I'll try eating fewer egg yoks and drinking some green tea and see how it goes.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 56

Jogged 4.6mi (in 45 minutes).

This was close to my best jog numerically, but I believe it was my best qualitatively. After the 2 minute walk to warm up i jogged 3.1mi straight (in 25 minutes), a personal best. Then i interspersed walking and jogging to finish up.

I am trying to get back on the wagon. My innumerable followers will note that I'd been silent for the last two weeks. It's because I hurt my shoulder somehow -- it was sufficiently painful that i lost two nights of sleep, so i didn't give much thought to running or lifting. Even now, after I'm off of the narcotics and anti-inflammatories I am reluctant to lift or swim for fear of reawakening it. That was pretty awful, and I didn't get any root cause (just a guess that it was a muscle strain, which I reject since the only thing i'd done before it was jog once after spring break).

But I jogged really well today, and if i feel well tomorrow I'll try some easy lifting.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 55

Jogged(+walked) 4.56 miles in 45 minutes - a 6.08mph pace.

First day back from spring break -- Despite a week of relative sloth and gluttony my hard-earned fitness and slimness didn't completely disappear.

It was hard waking up at 5:45am ET (after getting used to 7am central) but running wasn't too bad and I am still down around 178 lbs -- I was surprised.

A note about the meaning of the "Day #" in the title and the "Week #" in the tags -- the day represents the days of "official" fitness, which doesn't count weekends or informal exercise. The week represents the calendar week. So after 12 weeks I missed 1 day to illness, 1 day to something else I forgot, and 4 days to vacation (jogged once) - leaving me with 12*5-6 = 54 days. Today is thus the 55th day and the beginning of my 13th week since I started this "program" (on January 21, 2013).

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 54

Jogged/walked ~3 miles.

Shelley and I are trying to stay on top of our fitness kicks even through our spring break vacation in TX. Here's my estimate of where I went:

View TX Jog #1 in a larger map

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 11

After feeling like a big loser in week 10 (where I abandoned swimming) and a wimp in week 9 (where I abandoned lifting), week 11 has been very positive:

  • My jogging has ramped up quickly -- each day I've gone further faster than before.
  • My lifting has varied, but seen higher weights and more free-weights than machines.
  • I hit an all time (at least in the last year or so) low weight of 177 (when dehydrated).

I don't miss swimming at all, although i miss the idea of it and admit that it was great when sore.  Hopefully i'll forgive it soon and go back to it.

I'll be away from my gym and travelling for spring break -- hopefully i can fit in some exercise and keep the momentum going.

Day 53

Jogged+Walked 4.62 mi in 45 minutes -- a 6.16mph pace.

I didn't track how much i ran vs. walked, but my average pace was slightly higher than previously so i think it was likely ~3.75mi jogging.

My muscles were still somewhat sore from my lifting days, particularly my core, and my calves were sore from the previous run, but not prohibitively.  Not bad!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 52

Lifted weights.

Despite still being sore from Tuesday I was able to do some more variations on my weight routine.  I think the freedom is helpful - instead of doing none when i can't do 12, i do 6 or 8.  I mix weights a little to be able to do more (try lighter for a set to get a break then heavier for a set to maybe get stronger).  I think the free weights are good for me -- they're certainly humbling.

I finished it up with 10 minutes on a stationary bike, burning 100 calories.

I've become a believer in stretching -- I think it's helped me be less sore after running.  So I stretched again today -- I only really do hamstrings and calves, i'm not really sure how to stretch anything else.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 51

Jogged 3.75 mi (over 3 stints with an extra .83mi walking).

I jogged 2 miles, then walked .25, jogged 1.1, walked another .25, jogged .65, and walked to cool down to 45 mins.  This was easily my best jog, and comes on the heels of my last best jog on Monday.

Furthermore, in my last three runs I've increased both distance and average speed:

  • 3/29: 3mi @ 5.14mph
  • 4/1: 4.1mi @ 5.47mph
  • 4/3: 4.58mi @ 6.11mph


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 50

Lifted - variations on my main theme as noted below.  Some heavier, some lighter, some on freeweights.  I was pleased with the approach and now want to get better.

  • Squat
    • Since I'd only been doing 90 lbs (and that while lying down), i figured merely squatting down and standing up would be more than that.  So now i do it sans machine.
  • Chest Press
    • Instead of 80lbs on a machine, I did 35 lbs in each hand with dumbbells.   Despite lower weight, this was much, MUCH harder.  Did two sets instead of three.
  • Deadlift
    • Upped the weight to 125 or 135 (from 95, uncertain of total since I don't know how much the new bigger bar weighs).  Did two sets instead of three.
  • Crunch
    • Did actual situps instead of using the machine.  2 sets by lifting legs against an incline, then did knee lifts.
  • Seated cable row
    • 90 lbs instead of 80.  Did two sets instead of three.
  • Triceps pushdown
    • As usual.  Three sets of 60 on a machine.
  • Lat Pulldown
    • 100 lbs instead of 87.5 - 1 set.
  • Overhead press
    • Instead of 70lbs on the machine tried two 25 lb dumbbells -- super hard.  Did two sets instead of three.
  • Biceps curl
    • Weaker than usual - same 20 lb dumbbells, but only did two sets instead of three

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 49

Jogged 3.1 miles (in pieces with another mile of walking in between).

I jogged 1mi, walked .15 mi, jogged 1mi, walked .25 mi, jogged .7 mi, walked .25 mi, jogged .4 mi, and walked to cool down (about .35 mi) - so 4.1 miles total of which 3.1 was jogging.

I ran about 7.4mph and walked about 3.8.  I did the whole shebang in 45 minutes, so I averaged 5.47mph.

I stretched pretty extensively (that is, for about 2 minutes rather than 10 seconds).  I don't know if it was that or just stronger legs, but i didn't have as big a problem climbing the stairs afterward.  there might be something to this stretching.

I still don't like running, but i don't dread it the way I do swimming.  We'll see how i feel after doing it twice more in a week!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 10

Week 10 is a "pivot" week -- I resumed lifting after abandoning it two weeks ago in favor of jogging, now I am abandoning swimming and bringing back lifting.

Hopefully having 3 activities of which I actively pursue two will keep me interested.

My weight dropped in the last couple weeks and is apparently staying down.  I'm still not sure if that's lifting-related or eating-related or jogging-related or what.  I have a bit more I can lose still.

I am hopeful that I'll continue to improve cardio-wise with my jogging - perhaps even more aggressively than in swimming - we'll see.

So I continue to progress, but it's slow going and I'm finding motivation hard to come by.

Day 48

Jogged 2.5mi (over a 3 stints interspersed with walking).

First stint was 1.5mi, which was good, but after that I kind of petered out.  It might be that I was sore from yesterday's lift.  I hope I can get back to the longer shifts -- I think I'm physically up to it, i just need a way to distract myself from the drudgery.  I wish I liked music more.

I found starting running easier than starting swimming (no cold water to jump into), but continuing was just as hard.

I'm glad i lifted again yesterday - I feel it all over and hope I am getting stronger.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 47

Lifted - the normal routine.

It went okay.  Some things were easier than I'd remembered, some were just as hard or harder.  I'm not really sure what to make of this.  I'll stick with the same weights and reps a few sessions before tweaking.

I'm curious if resuming weight-training will change my appetite at all.  The last week or so i've been eating less, and perhaps the lifting will make my body demand more - i remember being consistently hungry before.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 46

Swam - only 27 laps, but faster than ever - 2 minutes flat per 100yds.

My will to swim has all but faded.  I dread it the day before and before jumping in, and then long to get out while i'm in.  I don't think I hate swimming entirely and forever, I just need a break.  Fortunately my swim-angst comes as my ability to jog is on the rise and I'm keen on lifting again.  So for at least the next few weeks I'll try:
  • MWF - Jog.
  • TR - Lift.
Essentially following the pattern i've mostly done, just replacing swimming with jogging.

My average weight has been trending slightly downward over the last 10 weeks:
I credit my scrupulous weekday diet, which has become even more abstemious in the last two weeks.  I stopped eating breakfast because i work out so early, and bring a variety of things to eat, but found that by eating those i didn't need as much lunch.  So now my total caloric intake is down, but my exercise is up.

I think my jogging is also more aggressive in burning calories than my swimming.  I'll be interested to see what happens over the next few weeks as I step up jogging (burning fat) but also add lifting (building muscle).

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 45

Jogged 2.75 miles (in blocks of 2mi, .5mi, and .25mi with walking between).

I "skipped" yesterday in the sense that I didn't go to the gym, but I did an hour of a nintendo dancing game to atone for it.  It made me sweat -- not as much as running, but i think it was productive.

Over the weekend I got fancy running shoes chosen to best support my lousy feet.  I've got a rare combination of high arches and overpronation -- most people with high arches underpronate.  So I got some Asics GT-2000 shoes in bland gray with blazing orange.  All running shoes are designed with lunatic color schemes.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 9

Week 9 eclipsed the two month mark and saw a shift away from weight-training in favor of jogging.  The weights were feeling heavier but the jogging was easier than previously, and I saw that as an opportunity worth seizing.

So I primarily swam and jogged this week, and as a result got my best swimming time, my furthest ever jog, and my lowest weight since starting.

I'll keep this approach for another week or so and then reintroduce weights.

I've also started sitting on an exercise ball at work in an attempt to strengthen my core and forestall potential back problems (i tend to sit with terrible, shameful posture).  So I sat on this ball all day yesterday and didn't like it.  My back was sore - i don't know if it was just muscles that weren't used to being used, or if the weight going down through my spine is just a bad way to sit.  I'll do it again today and see how it goes.

Day 44

Swam 36 laps. 3 groups of 12 rather than 4 groups of 9.  Instead of doing fast and slow laps I did mostly semifast, with a fast one at the end of each group of 12.  I thought my time would be my best, but it wasn't as good as Wednesday's.  It was still pretty good, though, and that means that this week was my best on average -- a 2.11 minute 100-yard (my average over the last 3 weeks is 2.42).

My weight is down - 179 this morning - but it might be dehydration.  I was pretty thirsty this morning, but i also feel a little slimmer lately.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 43

Jogged 2.5miles.

Coming off of yesterday's good swim, and the day before's decision not to bother with weights while jogging was going well, I set myself the ambitious goal of jogging 2.5 miles.  I intended to do 1.5 miles first, then walk, then jog .5 mile, walk, and jog .5 mile to round it out.  Instead I jogged the 2.5 miles straight out (at 7.5mph, up a "1" incline).  I walked for a while afterward so that my ultimate result was a hair over 3 miles and supposedly 400 burned calories in just under 30 minutes.

At the end my heart was going 185bpm, which seems pretty high.  I'm hoping the jogging cardio will make swimming easier so i can go at both more aggressively.  I think I can jog like that again, it was unpleasant but not amazingly difficult.  Maybe i'll try getting an enthralling book on tape or something - the morning news isn't doing it.

I'm not sure how to treat weights now -- I think the swim/jog is better for me, but I don't want to neglect strength entirely.  I'll finish my week's hiatus from lifting, but whether i go back or instead try to do push-ups and crunches at home is undecided.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 42

Swam in the afternoon -- a good one: 39 laps in 40 minutes (new best 100yd time).

I didn't feel terrible and I didn't hate it as quickly for whatever reason.  I did try to swim a little faster a little more often, which probably helped distract.  I also had a firm time I had to leave and so i tried to do what i could while i was there -- it worked out.

When i got home both Elijah and Shelley said I was looking slimmer -- that's a nice homecoming.

I'll keep trying to go fastish when i swim - it makes it less dull and probably makes it better exercise anyway, if briefer.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 41

I'll pretend I intended to jog instead of lift today.

I jogged as my warm-up, as has recently become habit, but my lifting was nearly totally non-existent.  Yesterday I thought my recent under-performance was nutrition-related, but now I think that jogging really takes it out of me.  I figured it would make me tired at the time, but maybe it's completely debilitating me.

Normally I would experiment by excising jogging and resuming my earlier routines, but I think in this case my recent lifting failures play to my advantage -- jogging is probably better for me.  So what I might do going forward is reallocate my lifting days to try to get better at jogging and continue swimming on the other days.

So I jogged just over 1.5mi (up a "1" incline, at 7.4mph), and walked a bit on either side of it, then added 7 more minutes of "random" walking after my failed lifting.  That's an improvement jogging-wise.

Next time I'll probably just skip the weights altogether and try to do even more jogging.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 40

Swam 36 laps (in 40 minutes).

It wasn't easy -- mostly from a morale standpoint: I kept wanting to stop.  It slowed me down to ponder whenever i stopped (more frequently than usual) for breath.

My time was actually decent because I did swim pretty hard for a number of laps, so that much at least is good.

I need some sort of exercise-morale shot in the arm.  I am slimmer than I was, but pure vanity and pride in my responsible lifestyle won't be enough to keep me going.  I require immediate gratification -- preferably in the form of not hating exercise.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Weekend 8

The weather was really nice, so to spite my natural lethargy (and perhaps atone for the cake, ice cream, and cookies I ate) I tried jogging outside.

It was terrible!  The pavement is hard and jarring, the grass is slanty and hurts my ankles, and I can't get enough air.

Even so, I was able to go 1.7mi, of which probably 1.5mi I jogged.  That's a lot more than i could have done a few weeks ago.

View Jogging in a larger map

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 8

A good week -- I was able to jog!

I guess I am getting fitter, and I am still visibly getting a little slimmer.  Most of the week I was no lighter, but at my friday weigh-in i was down to 180 -- 5 lbs less than when I'd started.

I feel pretty good.  The lifting is still quite hard, but as noted earlier i'd gladly sacrifice it for better cardio health.

Things are proceeding according to plan.

Day 39

Swam 36 laps.

Did my 4 groups of 9 with the 9s being broken into 3 with 1 fast and 2 slow laps each.  It went fine - I found myself wanting to swim fast more often, but unable to because of a lack of stamina.  The result of going faster was that I finished my 36 laps in only 38.5 minutes -- 2.14 minutes per 100 yards -- a new personal best.

I am becoming more aware of the asymmetry of my stroke -- I don't know if it's because I'm unskilled, or because I can only breathe comfortably on one side, or because my left shoulder is worse than my right.  Maybe I'll get a lesson... one day.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 38

A mixed bag today - On the down side I truncated several of my weight sets (skipped squats, did only 2 sets of lat pulls and overhead press) because i was feeling very sore (still!) from Tuesday.  I think it may have been the jogging that hit me so hard.

The bright side of today was that despite sore legs I jogged for 9 solid minutes at 7.2mph which is more than a mile!  This is a positive trade-off in my mind - I think lengthier jogging bespeaks greater general fitness better than specific lifts.  I am more interested in cardiovascular health than strength.

Any time I can cannibalize lifting to fuel vigorous cardio, I will do so.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 37

Swam 36 laps (or maybe as many as 40 -- it's hard to count).

I was very stiff/sore from yesterday's lifting -- not sure why it was so hard -- but as i've previously noted that soreness disappears while I'm in the water.  It was still boring, and I was angry for the first 18 laps or so.  I wonder if all exercisers find the first half of their workout to be the harder because of how much remains.

I've decided to mitigate the monotony by breaking the 36 laps into 4 groups of 9 (stopping for breath between), and doing the 9 lap block in a pattern of three threes:

  • normal, normal, fast.
  • normal, normal, fast.
  • normal, normal, very fast.
This might also count as interval training and help me get stronger/faster, but my goal is just to divert myself from the oppressive boredom of being face down in a pool of water for an hour.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 36

Completed the 3 sets of 12 reps routine.  It was still very, very hard on my arms, was harder than usual on my legs too.  Somehow I am getting weaker.

I figured by now I'd have adapted to the 3x12 -- this is the 4th time I've done it and it's spanned 3 calendar weeks.  I don't think this would be the "overtraining" I hear about, but I'll keep an eye on it.

The good news is that i was able to jog a mile in my warm-up.  I was feeling fairly spry - possibly because i went later (after some morning meetings) or was well-fed (I ate at home this morning).  Whatever the case, I jogged at 7.2mph for 10 minutes and so went over a mile.  That's a big "milestone" for me, since it was just last week that i nearly perished trying to jog for 3 minutes.

Current exercise mindset:

  • weights: vexing, but not daunting.
  • jogging: improving, but uninteresting.
  • swimming: increasingly tiresome.
  • biking: occasionally appealing.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 35

Lousy day swimming - only 24 laps.

It wasn't really a physical limitation, I just had a really hard time getting into it -- it was all I could do to keep from quitting after about 12.  I pushed and got up to 18, and climbed out of the pool.  Then conscience kicked in and I went back and swam 2 hard laps to see if a change of pace helped.  Then i swam 2 more normal laps.  Then I climbed out again.  Then i got back in once more and swam two more hard ones.

The good news is that I:

  • resisted the temptation to quit super early
  • swam 100 yards in 1:40, which is a mere minute off of the world record.
The bad news is that for no physical reason I despised swimming and gave up at 2/3 of my normal distance.

It's tempting to blame the time change, or the weekend's above-average activity, but I think I just "wasn't into it."  If I can't get back in the game later this week I'll need to find something I can do instead -- perhaps try the couch-to-5k jogging system, or maybe step up my biking now that the weather is hopefully improving.

Weekend 7

A few physical activities worth noting from this weekend -
  • Family walk to and from the doughnut store = 1.8mi - blue line
  • Bike with Clark to friends' house = 6.4 miles - green line
  • Family walk in the park = ~1 mile - purple loop
  • Family walk in the woods = ~1 mile - red line (second picture)

View Out and About Mar 9-10 2013 in a larger map

The walk down near my work:

View Out and About Mar 9-10 2013 in a larger map

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 7

Week 7 was a week of faltering and perseverance, but also of breakthrough and hope.

The lifting was very hard for me, and I wasn't able to do it fully on Tuesday (but, with difficulty, succeeded on Thursday).  The swimming saw a huge increase in the amount of consecutive laps I can do between rests OR the speed I can swim (but not both).

I feel run down after this week -- it might be that i slept less, or ate differently, or pushed harder in some of the workouts.  I'll be extra glad for the break this weekend.

Hopefully next week my body's response to these various challenges will continue to jell and I'll find a more comfortable rhythm (that still lets me progress).

I've still not lost any weight, but my belly is smaller while my arms and chest are subtly bigger.  I need to refine my diet a little - my body wants more food than it used to, and I'm not sure what to give it.  This week's practice of feeding it giant strombolis daily was enjoyable, but probably not a good long-term plan.

Day 34

Swam 36 laps.

I don't know if I did better or worse today - I had to stop more and I feel much worse, but even with the stops I swam faster.  36 laps took me 40 minutes -- that's 2.22 minutes for 100yds down from 2.5 on wednesday.

I stopped 3 times -- after each 9 lap stint, but I intentionally swam fast for the last lap of each ennead.  I didn't consciously try to go faster in general, but i think I recognized at times that I was doing so.

Usually I feel good after swimming, but today i felt pain deep and low in my chest -- a feeling somewhere between heart-burn and birthing a xenomorph chestburster.  It may be that i was recruiting more of my core i swam -- i could feel something (obliques?) working as i twisted and rotated.  I'm not worried - it's fading and I am glad i was using the core.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 33

Weights -- I successfully completed three sets of 12 reps each of the standard routine.

It was still very hard on my arms - particularly the tricep push-down, the military press, and the bicep curls.  The dead lift seemed harder too, but I think it was because i was trying to do them better (using more rump and less leg).

I did a shorter warm-up (only 5 mins of vigorous walking and 2 minutes to cool down) and a brief but aggressive cool-down (I jogged for 4 minutes at 7mph).  Jogging got my heart to 185bpm, which is probably too high.

I was sore today - I don't know if it was residual from Tuesday's lift (I don't remember being as sore yesterday), or from the swimming (which doesn't seem like it should make one sore).  But it was fairly pervasive and concentrated in the shoulders, so maybe swimming is starting to hit my muscles more now.

Keep on truckin'.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 32

Forrest (Evanda) runs (swims) again!  I did my ~36 laps in two chunks of ~18, stopping for couple minutes in between.  It turns out that my staggering anomaly is repeatable!

I could have gone on, but I want to keep the bar reasonable, because I still get annoyed at how long it takes to complete.  36 laps took me about 45 minutes rather than the hour it did before when i stopped a lot.  It probably also means my heart rate stayed higher, which i guess is somehow good.

100yd time is a metric swimmers on the internet seem to use -- this morning on average I did 100yds in about 2.5 minutes, which is pretty slow by endurance racing standards, but not off the charts slow.  I am pleased with having a new metric to track -- I'll add it to the metrics tab soon.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 31

Weights today, but poorly.

I had a really hard time with some of the arm exercises today -- Tricep push went beyond "hard" and into "painful" and all the exercises following it seemed to use triceps.  I also got confused and thought it was 30 minutes later than it was and so I stopped the military press and lat pulldown after 2 sets each and didn't do the bonus ab twist or calf exercises.  I also did a shorter version of the cool down walking (but I jogged at 7mph for 3 minutes in the warm-up -- more aggressive than usual).

So not a great day, but I did get all the main exercises at least twice, and most of them 3 sets.  I think it was enough to continue progressing, at least.

I also brought myself a ton of stuff for lunch, since i was hungry yesterday:

  • mango greek yogurt
  • banana
  • apple & cheddar cheese
  • strawberries for my instant oatmeal (which i eat for lunch)
  • week-old leftover fajita steak bits
  • orange
  • olives
  • almonds

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 30

I don't know what that was about.

Before starting i was reluctant to get in, after 3 laps i was depressed that i had 33 more to go, after 6 i was tired and cranky, and after 9 i was planning how to never swim again.  I persisted, though, and was feeling better as I rounded the halfway mark (18), and back to normal as I hit 24 laps.  Then something changed --

It was like a forrest gump moment - I swam but didn't get tired.  I wasn't getting more air, but I stopped feeling like i wasn't getting enough.  I swam 18 straight laps without stopping (so I hit 43 laps today), and only stopped because it was getting late.  I could have kept going, possibly indefinitely -- when i stopped I felt fine: more relaxed and less winded than I did after 3 laps.

I wonder if that is how normal people feel about exercise -- that it's boring, but not horrible the whole time.  I really hope i can hit that rhythm again.  Laps in that case wouldn't mean anything, I could just swim constantly for a period of time (which is less of a pain to manually count).

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 6

Week 6 is a week of records and the start of a plateau.

My weight program has me where I am now for at least 2 more weeks before I'm supposed to tweak weight or rep count.

I don't intend to swim more than 36 laps in the near future either - I want to get better at the ones I'm doing, make sure my shoulder gets with the program, maybe take a lesson or two, increase the number of laps i can do at once, and start increasing my speed before I try for additional distance.

I'm glad - I feel my body has responded well to the aggressive program so far, but I also don't think I can push it much harder without repercussions.  Giving it a few weeks to settle in will be nice.

I haven't lost any weight, but i am visibly slimmer around the midsection - so i guess i am losing fat.  I know i'm gaining muscle - i can feel it in some places, see it in others, and prove it with my improved lifting.

I'm pleased and will continue.

Day 29

Swam 37 laps - 36 freestyle and 1 idle lap in the middle to rest.

I am pleased to report that despite swimming the same number of laps, I did it in a more demanding way: in groups of 3 laps at a time (rather than 2 which i recently managed after graduating from 1 which I moved to from increments of half a lap between breathers).

I wasn't as sore as I expected from yesterday's increased effort -- maybe its being lots of reps rather than lots of weight reduces that.  So I feel pretty good - swimming tires me for the hour afterward, but invigorates me for the following few hours.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 28

I did it!  Today I moved to 3 sets (from 2) of 12 reps of each of the exercises in my routine.

It was hard - particularly on my arms.  My legs and back did fine on their parts, but each of the arm exercises was a struggle.  Interestingly, the curls (which had been nearly impossible just for two sets) were fine for the first two sets and even the third was really no harder than the second was on Tuesday.  Maybe I'm getting stronger.

According to the program I'm following I'll remain at this level for many weeks.  That's fine with me, but I do think that as I acclimate to it I'll try to move to more free weights -- they add a useful element of challenge.

I had less time for the post-lift cardio i'd been doing, so I shaved off 8 minutes from it (doing only 7 minutes of "cool down" walking).  I find this to my liking -- I'd much rather lift weights to pained exhaustion than walk for 8 minutes.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 27

Swam 37 laps.  I would have been happy with 36, but i did a lazy, float-on-my-back lap in the middle to catch my breath.

I think I am close to plateauing as far as my technique goes -- i'm not great, but I don't know how much further I'll get without focused instruction.

I have plenty of room to improve just fitness-wise, so continuing to swim without lessons is still very productive.  Strength would be useful in terms of powerful pulls without immediately getting tired, and I bet continued effort will help reduce my stops for breath.  I'll keep at it.

I am not sore, but can feel that i worked out yesterday, and was tired when i woke up this morning.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 26

Lifted - the standard routine - two sets of 12 reps each, plus the twist and calf machine.

The curls were still very hard (I had to squirm to get the last couple up on each side), the overhead press was hard, but possible.  Triceps are reasonable now.  Next time I'm supposed to do three sets - yikes!

I find the post-lift cooldown walk unpleasant. 15 minutes of vigorous trudging is pretty tedious, even when watching something as exciting as the news.  But it's good for me and supposedly burned 230 calories, which hopefully will be debited from the fat storage account rather than from vital organs.

I'm starting to notice some visible weight loss -- nothing huge, but the wife also noted i was slimmer in the middle.  I still don't feel significantly different.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 25

Swam 36 laps.

I think I'll keep it around that distance.  Instead of improving distance I'll try to increase the quality of my swimming - reducing breaks, improving technique, etc.  Today was a good start - I swam all but two of the laps in pairs (i.e. 4 lengths at a time).

I continued trying to breathe properly, rotate more in the water, and keep my shoulders back.  My kicking and core-use is pretty inconsistent, but I can't focus on them yet -- it takes conscientious thought to move my arms properly.

Over the weekend I did a 3 mile bike ride with Elijah (Clark rode along on the bolt-on seat on my bike).  It was Elijah's first time on the roads (although we stayed on the sidewalk) - he did great.  We went to a nearby gas station and got a cola:

View Biking to 92 in a larger map

Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 5

Week 5 closes on a very high note --

  • I adapted to the doubled reps on my lift days (and still have one more session to solidify that comfort before i move to triple reps!)
  • all 3 swim days were new records, and the latter two each tripled my best day from 4 weeks ago
I haven't noticed any significant change in appearance or weight, but I have data enough to prove I'm getting more fit.

What's a blog without pictures?

This is my gym:

The pool:

The weight and cardio area is very nice, but I didn't think it'd be polite to take a picture of a bunch of sweaty strangers.

To accommodate exercise I've been getting up early and on Tuesdays and Fridays I have a morning call (with India) requiring I get in even earlier.  Here's the view from my desk this morning:

Day 24

Swam 36 laps - eclipsing 1 mile for the first time!

I continued trying to improve my posture, stroke, rotation in the water, and particularly my breathing technique.  I felt like i had better "rhythm" and inhaled a lot less water than last time, though i hit it inconsistently.

Another win was that I probably swam more double-laps than single laps (between pauses) -- a testament to growing endurance.

Finally I feel good afterward.  It probably helpe that I wasn't very sore from yesterday.  For many reasons today's workout was a triumph.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 23

Lifted.  Still in the second phase - two sets of 12 reps of the original weights (currently at right).  I added in the calf exercises and core twist machine as well because both of those areas seemed neglected.

It went well - the most marked improvement was triceps which posed little trouble today after being the biggest problem in the last couple sessions.  The deadlift, which had been easy, seemed harder today.  The overhead lift was tricky (but not impossible) as usual.  I don't know what accounts for the variations, but I'll chalk it up to improved strength and reduced soreness.

My left shoulder, which has been nagging me, nagged less yesterday.  Maybe the YTWLs or the different swimming posture are helping.  I'll keep it up and hope to get back to it.

Followed the lift with my typical 15 minutes of vigorous walking -- i don't enjoy it, but it's probably good for me.

As of today, I have been exercising for one month!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 22

Swam 35 laps -- all but 2 freestyle.  I am surprised to be only slightly sore from yesterday's lift.

Focused particularly on three points of technique today:

The first supposedly will help me get more air and relax me, the second may reduce shoulder injury (my left shoulder has been hurting), and the last is a common mnemonic for better form.

I found adjusting breathing very difficult and inhaled a lot of water, I found the shoulders-back to be spot-on and much more comfortable, I found the reaching change distracted me from rotating properly (which hurt my breathing).

Despite my ineptitude, I thrashed along pretty effectively.  I also found that i can make my legs really tired on my 2 "rest" laps by kicking more vigorously (this is probably similar to training using a kickboard).

I've also started doing some YTWL exercises to improve my lousy shoulders and posture.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 21

Lifted - two sets of 12 reps of my original weights.  I say "original" because eventually I'll adjust upward the weights listed at right.  Before I can do that, though, my program says I need to be able to do 3 sets.

I did add some twists (2 sets of 12 reps of 100lbs each direction - so a total of 48 twists), and a calf machine, since i don't think any of the other stuff i've been doing exercises those.  I did 2 sets of 12 at 140lbs for that.

I also did my typical pre and post-lift walking.  about 24 minutes in total, 6 before, 18 after.  I went about 3.8mph up a "7.0" incline for 15 minutes, but it wasn't as hard as in the past.  Maybe I'm getting better.  The metrics tab has the stats.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 20

Swam 33 laps - all but 3 freestyle.

I didn't go lift this weekend, but I did the substitutionary cardio (played a nintendo dancing game for an hour), which made me surprisingly sore.

I continued to swim in lap rather than length increments, and decided to start adding "sprint" segments to the tail end of each lap -- maybe the last 1/3 of a length.  I didn't do it for all of them, but i think i'll work toward that.  Also after each of my slack laps (I do an idle floating on my back lap after 10 freestyles to catch my breath), I did two straight laps (4 lengths) before stopping to rest.  I'm trying to push my body to longer stretches without stopping.

I noticed today that if you use your legs when swimming you can go faster.  I think i've been mostly dragging mine behind me.  Honestly I think i would swim much better with no legs at all, but i figure since i've got them i might as well use them.  During the swim my legs got tired, but i don't feel it now.  Perhaps my swimming will be more full-body a workout than before.

I feel good -- the nintendo soreness remains, but as usual it didn't hinder me while swimming.  I ate like a goat this weekend, and my weight will likely suffer for it, but i can live with that for now.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 4

Despite missing a day, I am pleased with week 4.  I swam more laps than in previous weeks and doubled my weight-lifting reps without dying.

I did atone for my missed day by playing an hour of "Just Dance 3" (a fitness-oriented dancing game for Nintendo Wii).  It was cardio more than weights, but i could use the break from the weights anyway.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 19

Swam 26 laps.

Again I swam in lap increments (rather than lengths), and continue to focus on technique, I know I'm doing things wrong but am not sure how to do them right.  Perhaps I'll get a swimming lesson.

I was sick yesterday, so i missed my second lift this week.  It's probably just as well - i was still quite sore from Tuesday's session (and still feel it today, 3 days later).  If I'm feeling ambitious i may sneak in on the weekend -- we'll see.  I do feel a little run down and might benefit from starting next week fresh.

If i don't sneak in i'll do something cardio-ish this weekend to atone.

After reading a little about nutrition, i guzzled down a chocolate-milk-style breakfast drink after swimming today.  I believe this is an acceptable deviation from my normal "no sweets during the week" rule.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 18

Swam 25 laps.

It's fewer than last time, but I can explain:

  • Yesterday's doubled lift reps beat me up good.
  • I swam in units of laps rather than lengths (2 lengths = 1 lap).
I was sore last night, but this morning it hurt to lift my arms (let alone get dressed).  I am sore all through my arms, shoulders, chest, and back (which an expertly trained anatomist and olympian can tell you are used during swimming).  So i cut myself some slack.

The latter part was an intentional new rule i imposed -- vexed by my constant need to stop and breathe I decided to punish my body by limiting its chances to do so in the hopes that it'll learn to go without air.  It wasn't as terrible as I thought it'd be - i rested a little longer between laps, but probably no more than i was before in total.

The guy that gave me some pointers before was back and offered a few more, notably about my rotation and breathing -- I tried implementing his suggestions but inhaled a great deal of water.  I am not a perfect swimmer yet.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 17

My first day of weights with double the reps (two sets of 12 on the same 9-exercise routine, currently at right).  I did it, despite my misgivings, but it was brutal.

I thought i was spent at the end of one set of 12, but the second set pushed me even further.  Some exercises were harder than others -- the arm-oriented lifts were notably harder.  I did lighten the load for my tricep-push and curls (and used free weights, like last time), but for the most part I really doubled the work.

I anticipate feeling this one in the morning, but i still think i'll be able to swim.  I have noticed that swimming makes me sore in the upper back - i'm not sure if it's the trapezius or the latissimus dorsi i'm feeling (i'd guess the latter), but it's hitting something back there (which gets hit again during my lifting).

In my warm up treadmilling, i tried moderate jogging for about two and a half minutes.  it was horrible, and my heart shot up to 180bpm -- that's probably not good.  It served as a vexing/inspiring reminder of how much i can improve.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 16

30 laps, all but two freestyle!  A new record, and a great start to week 4.

That's nearly triple what i did on my first day of swimming 3 weeks ago.  So I'm making great strides (or strokes, or whatever the aquatic equivalent of striding is).  I am quantitatively improving, but am still frustrated by my lack of aerobic fitness and the frequency with which i have to stop to breathe.  It'll come.

I do feel it in my muscles more than before - i think the improved technique comes with greater muscle demand.  I wonder if that's why my recent lifting days have been so hard on my arms and chest recently -- they haven't been getting as much of a break.

I am up to 177 total laps swum since inception, which is just over 5 miles!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 3

I continue to be enthusiastic and encouraged by this fitness program.

I like that i've now got a repeatable plan - swimming MWF, and a specific lifting routine for TR.

As should probably be expected when starting from so little, progress has been swift.  I swam more than twice today what I did my first day.  Lifting that was initially crippling isn't as noticeable now.

Probably most importantly this program has me doing a good bit of cardio work every day -- i have been extremely sedentary for years, and getting into reasonable overall cardiovascular health is probably my paramount goal.

Day 15

Great day swimming!

  • Swam 25 laps, all but one of them freestyle - each a new record.
  • First attempt at breathing every third stroke (on alternating sides).
  • Sore/fatigued afterward to an unprecedented degree.
So I eclipsed the 1km mark by a good margin (1143m), which pleases me.

I'm more pleased, however, at the latter points.

Changing my breathing rhythm gave me less air, but since i run such a huge air deficit and have to stop constantly anyway it wasn't as crippling as you'd think.  Moreover, the extra "head down" stroke let me do more swimming and less breathing, which felt right.  I had been concerned about my asymmetry when swimming (biasing toward my right side), so hopefully this will even that out.

The last point may be because i swam more, or because of lifting twice this week, or maybe the extra head-down stroke letting me push a little harder (it did feel more strenuous in the water, in a good way).  I am hopeful that the fatigue indicates i'm doing something right.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 14

I did the weight routine again today, with a couple minor variations -

  • added 5 lbs to the crunch weight
  • added 12 reps on the ab-twist machine at 90 lbs, since last time i didn't feel much in my core.
  • I did the bicep curl with dumbbells and 5 fewer pounds on each side (instead of the machine).*
It was a good day - the deadlift again was not a big challenge, but i felt like i executed it well.  I look forward to trying the additional reps next time.  The arms again were a challenge- the tricep push hurt, and the curls were awful.

* - I moved to free weights because i feared my stronger right arm was illicitly helping my gimpy left arm.  Sure enough - on the dumbbell my right arm did fine, while my left arm struggled then faltered.  I felt very puny being unable to curl a 20lb dumbbell 12 times with my left arm.  Room for improvement.

An hour or so afterward I felt a pleasing soreness in my middle back, which I attribute to the lat pull-down machine -- I don't think i felt it before, so perhaps having my hands a little wider on the bar helped.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 13

Swam 21 laps (a new personal best).

I would have been satisfied with 20 except that i learned the pool is 25 yards long rather than 25 meters, which means 20 laps is not a kilometer, but only .9144km.  21 laps is still not a kilometer, but it's closer (.96km).  Next time i'll shoot for 22 which crosses the 1km mark.

I talked to another swimmer today who offered to critique my technique.  He said it was actually pretty good, but did offer a couple pointers -- things i'd heard and read and thought i was doing but apparently wasn't.  He also strongly recommended spiffy swimming duds saying the reduced drag makes a huge difference (particularly to new folks).  I have now talked to two other swimmers and they both strongly recommended different clothes -- maybe there's something in it.

I'm not very sore from yesterday's lift -- very mildly, but nothing even remotely like last week's crippling debilitation.  So I'll try it again tomorrow -- i'm curious if i'll be able to.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 12

I repeated the 9 exercises * 1 set * 12 reps weight-lifting routine I began on Day 9 - the legs seemed easier while the arms seemed harder.  I'm not sure what to make of that.  The question now is whether I'll be as sore as last time (in which case I doubt i'd be able to repeat the day after tomorrow), or if i'll recover more quickly.

I also did 5 minutes of warm-up walking and 15 minutes of cool-down walking (plus a cool-down to the cool-down!)  Some lady used my normal machine and the one I chose had no heart-rate monitor.  A manual sampling had me around 160.

I updated the data and the metrics page now shows week 3 stuff.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 11

Swam 20 laps today, all but two freestyle - each new records.  I think the pool might be 25 meters, so that's a kilometer!

Last Thursday's lift was a killer -- I was still very sore on Saturday, a little sore on Sunday, but back in business today.   I can't wait to do it again tomorrow.

I've continued to focus on my freestyle technique:

  • I'm asymmetric in my strokes, obviously favoring the side that i breathe on (I breathe every other stroke, and always on my right side rather than the more mature approach of every third and alternating sides -- I just need more air).
  • I can use core muscles: in addition to rotating in the water to to reach further and breathe, I can turn my hips for extra power.  I think i read about this but finally sort of stumbled into it as i swam today.
  • I can stroke more slowly to last longer - i think i started too aggressively and was burning myself out.  A more leisurely pace let me swim more laps, although i do still have to stop to catch my breath after every length.
That breathing is annoying -- initially i wanted to swim to get into better shape.  Now I want to get into better shape so i can swim without constantly stopping.  Jogging may be a good way - there's a lot of air in most jogging areas - but i hate jogging.

I'm encouraged by my progress but apprehensive about having to keep up with it next time i swim.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 2

Week 2 has seen the introduction of science and data to my fitness program.

I've started researching the exercises i'm attempting to improve the technique or routine.

Even after only a couple such applications I feel my swimming has improved and my weight-training is more comprehensive and effective.

To assist this verbal log of progress, I have added a 'metrics' page to the blog this week.  I will probably tweak it for a while until it shows things i care about in meaningful ways, but it represents some more detailed quantitative information i'll be keeping on my progress.

I remain on track - 10 for 10 in days attended and the intended exercises executed.  Importantly, my enthusiasm and hopes remain high.

Day 10

Swam 17 laps today - a new record - all but 3 being freestyle (also a record).

I am very sore all over from yesterday's new weight-training routine, but even though i had trouble standing up and getting dressed it somehow didn't impact swimming.  Once I was in and thrashing about i didn't feel any stiffness or soreness -- perhaps my desire to breathe eclipsed such mundane concerns.

The increased number of laps is probably attributable to

  • improving technique (I constantly think about and try to apply what i've read while swimming)
  • having a little more time this morning (I'd rather swim than work).
  • some fitness kicking in, maybe?  I don't really know how long it takes.
I was tired after only about 6 laps, possibly due to yesterday's exertions, but having the goal of 15 (i don't want to go backward!) kept me going (stopping frequently to catch my breath) and it didn't get much harder.  I do think i hit my limit at 17, though, I struggled to finish the last length.

I got side cramps for the first time today too - i interpret it as the weakness in me dying.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 9

Last night I read about, and today began, a general purpose weight-training routine.  It involves 9 exercises done in order and book-ended by an aerobic warm-up and cool-down.  It matches my objectives well and has progressive phases to help beginners like me work toward a respectable steady-state.  We'll see how it goes.

Here's what the routine looks like:

"12 RM Weight" means the weight that I can lift 12 times before failing in good form, and I gave what I did today in lbs.  I think i got pretty close -- some were a little easier than others.

I didn't think I would be able to do all of those -- it looked like they hit the same muscles over and over again.  I was able to do it, however, and at the end i felt like it hit me pretty comprehensively, so i'm pleased.  After 3 sessions you're supposed to double the number of reps (from 1 set of 12 to 2 sets of 12) -- I am doubtful i'll be able to do it, but we'll see.

I had never done deadlifts before, but the internet seems to think they're quite the thing, so i gave it a shot.  They did take more of my body than I expected, and I'm sure i looked foolish with my wimpy weights over there in the frightening side of the gym, but one day i'll be kicking sand in their faces.  They'll see.

The briefer routine gave me more time for vigorous walking, so i did 10 minutes before and 15 minutes after at my same 7.0 incline at 3.6mph.  Supposedly that burned 260 calories.  w00t.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 8

Swimming - 15 laps.

  • 3.5 back stroke
  • 1 breast stroke
  • 1 side stroke
  • 9.5 freestyle
Continued to focus on freestyle technique - I think I might have done 2 of the 9.5 laps properly - i had less trouble breathing and they seemed to go faster.  On the other hand, i inhaled a lot of water on other laps, so it's a work in progress.

I was impressed by another swimmer, probably 10 years my senior, who was swimming faster than i was when i got there and continued the entire time i was there without stopping.  I had to pause and breathe almost between each length.  I have oodles of room for improvement.

Contrary to what i anticipated, I am only mildly sore today, and it's all in my shoulders and chest rather than my core.  The good news there is that i can do it all again on Thursday.  The bad news is that i'm not sure yesterday's regimen was as effective as last week's situps that enfeebled me for most of a week.

I had an 8am meeting (normally i finish showering and get to my desk around 8:30), but rather than using it as an excuse to skip swimming I got up extra early to make sure i stayed on track.  Maintaining momentum is key for my continued success.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 7

I tried to do everything except swim today.  I'd like to eventually get to the point i can do the full variety of lifting on both tuesdays and thursdays (while swimming MWF), but i think i'll be too sore in some areas for a while to do it more than once weekly.

Today i hit it pretty hard, exploring what might make a good mix - (reps x weight):

  • 50 x 90 lower back machine.
  • 50 x 70 twist core machine.
  • 20 x 50 tricep press.
  • 20 x 50 wing flapping
  • 20 x 70 crunch machine
  • 5 x 100 press machine (bicep/chest)
  • 5 x 50 press machine alternate motion (chest)
  • 5 x 50 "fly" (chest)
  • 12 x 50 curl
  • 10 x 75 lat pull

And i walked vigorously for about 20 minutes, 210 calories, and had my heart around 155 for the duration.

I realize the weights aren't that impressive for someone my size - chalk it up to:

  1. I'm weak and just starting
  2. I'm more interested in endurance right now than brute strength
  3. I wanted to try a number of things
I like the walking -- i think cardio is one of my biggest deficiencies and improving it needs to be my primary focus.  it also feels like serves as a warm up (I did 5 minutes at the beginning) to wake my body up, and a post-lift "stretch" (I did 15 minutes afterward) to jangle the muscles loose afterward.  I have no scientific grounding for that stance, but it feels right.

I think tomorrow i will be very sore - particularly in the core (again) and likely in the arm/chest/shoulders (they already feel tight an hour later).  Hopefully i'll be able to swim tomorrow.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 6

Swimming - 15 laps [new record!]  Negligible residual soreness from weekend.

  • 4 breast stroke
  • 3 back stroke
  • 2 side stroke
  • 6 freestyle.

The focus on freestyle follows some reading i did over the weekend which made me realize i am a terrible, terrible swimmer.  Evidently there's technique that makes a difference, and every single thing i could be doing wrong (with the exception of drowning) i was doing.

So having watched a bunch of videos and read a bunch of articles all focused on freestlye, i tried the new techniques.  I didn't notice any improvement in speed, ease, breathing, or anything, but I did feel it much more in my shoulders.  It's hard to implement a bunch of improvements at once, but i'll keep trying.

The extra laps is probably due to:

  1. I got here early and had extra time
  2. i didn't feel terrible yet.
  3. I was vexed at my inability to swim per the specs.
Regardless of why, it's a win.  40 mins later i feel good, though fatigued as usual.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 1

Exercised 5 days: 3 swim, 2 "lift". Body feels a pervasive, low-grade fatigue and soreness. Probably will be gone by Monday to begin afresh. This approach (timing, level-of-effort, physical toll) feels sustainable and will likely be very beneficial. A very successful first week.

Day 5

Swimming (3rd time) about 22 minutes. 12 laps [[new record]] - 3 each of breast stroke, freestyle, side stroke, back stroke. slight shoulder & calf soreness from yesterday's weights. slight soreness from core work 3 days ago. again mostly fine in the pool (hampered by aerobic unfitness rather than strength there), and very fatigued afterward.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 4

alternate strength. Was still sore from 2 days ago's core workout, and swam yesterday (and want to tomorrow) so contrived a new alternate: walking, then leg and upper back strength. walked 20 minutes at 7.0 incline at 3.6mph. hit 140bpm after 4 minutes, hovered near 150 the rest of the time. supposedly burned 200 calories -- not bad! felt like a fairly vigorous walk - was sweaty, but not tired. then did machines for front and back of upper legs. then rowing-type machine for upper back. a little of a wing-flapping machine for shoulders.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 3

Swimming. 35 mins - 5 mins resting. 11 laps - 3 breast stroke, 3 side stroke, 3 back stroke, 2 freestyle. must have gone slower than last time, but did better with freestyle. significant soreness from yesterday's core workout didn't hinder. felt spent immediately after but subsiding an hour later.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 2

Misc core muscle exercise machines for 35 minutes. Primarily lower back and that mid-section twisting machine. 15 sit-ups, 10 leg lifts. Some triceps. feel used, but fine an hour later.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 1

Swam 26 minutes (including 3 mins resting). 3 breast stroke laps, 3 side stroke laps, 3 back stroke laps, 2 very feeble freestyle, and jogged one lap. Felt fine in the pool, but had trouble climbing out. Felt spent for an hour or two afterward.