Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 9

Last night I read about, and today began, a general purpose weight-training routine.  It involves 9 exercises done in order and book-ended by an aerobic warm-up and cool-down.  It matches my objectives well and has progressive phases to help beginners like me work toward a respectable steady-state.  We'll see how it goes.

Here's what the routine looks like:

"12 RM Weight" means the weight that I can lift 12 times before failing in good form, and I gave what I did today in lbs.  I think i got pretty close -- some were a little easier than others.

I didn't think I would be able to do all of those -- it looked like they hit the same muscles over and over again.  I was able to do it, however, and at the end i felt like it hit me pretty comprehensively, so i'm pleased.  After 3 sessions you're supposed to double the number of reps (from 1 set of 12 to 2 sets of 12) -- I am doubtful i'll be able to do it, but we'll see.

I had never done deadlifts before, but the internet seems to think they're quite the thing, so i gave it a shot.  They did take more of my body than I expected, and I'm sure i looked foolish with my wimpy weights over there in the frightening side of the gym, but one day i'll be kicking sand in their faces.  They'll see.

The briefer routine gave me more time for vigorous walking, so i did 10 minutes before and 15 minutes after at my same 7.0 incline at 3.6mph.  Supposedly that burned 260 calories.  w00t.

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