Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 71

Jogged 4.45 miles in 45 minutes - a 5.9mph pace.

Not one of my good days, but acceptable.  I was a little stiff/sore from lifting yesterday, and felt the jogging in my legs more than I'm used to (normally breathing is the sole constraint), but I think I was just feeling wimpy and didn't push too hard.  I did do two miles out of the gate, then walked a lot in the middle.  I did 2 minutes at 9mph at the end, though.

I also did about 10 pullups and 20 hanging leg-lifts just to drive home the point that arms and abs need to get stronger.  I did a few extra push-ups last night too.

Weight-wise I'm continuing to generally fall - averaging around 176 the last few weeks but dipping as low as 174 today (middle of week 18)

(red = week's max, green = week's min, blue = week's avg).

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