Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 55

Jogged(+walked) 4.56 miles in 45 minutes - a 6.08mph pace.

First day back from spring break -- Despite a week of relative sloth and gluttony my hard-earned fitness and slimness didn't completely disappear.

It was hard waking up at 5:45am ET (after getting used to 7am central) but running wasn't too bad and I am still down around 178 lbs -- I was surprised.

A note about the meaning of the "Day #" in the title and the "Week #" in the tags -- the day represents the days of "official" fitness, which doesn't count weekends or informal exercise. The week represents the calendar week. So after 12 weeks I missed 1 day to illness, 1 day to something else I forgot, and 4 days to vacation (jogged once) - leaving me with 12*5-6 = 54 days. Today is thus the 55th day and the beginning of my 13th week since I started this "program" (on January 21, 2013).

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