Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 6

Swimming - 15 laps [new record!]  Negligible residual soreness from weekend.

  • 4 breast stroke
  • 3 back stroke
  • 2 side stroke
  • 6 freestyle.

The focus on freestyle follows some reading i did over the weekend which made me realize i am a terrible, terrible swimmer.  Evidently there's technique that makes a difference, and every single thing i could be doing wrong (with the exception of drowning) i was doing.

So having watched a bunch of videos and read a bunch of articles all focused on freestlye, i tried the new techniques.  I didn't notice any improvement in speed, ease, breathing, or anything, but I did feel it much more in my shoulders.  It's hard to implement a bunch of improvements at once, but i'll keep trying.

The extra laps is probably due to:

  1. I got here early and had extra time
  2. i didn't feel terrible yet.
  3. I was vexed at my inability to swim per the specs.
Regardless of why, it's a win.  40 mins later i feel good, though fatigued as usual.

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