Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 28

I did it!  Today I moved to 3 sets (from 2) of 12 reps of each of the exercises in my routine.

It was hard - particularly on my arms.  My legs and back did fine on their parts, but each of the arm exercises was a struggle.  Interestingly, the curls (which had been nearly impossible just for two sets) were fine for the first two sets and even the third was really no harder than the second was on Tuesday.  Maybe I'm getting stronger.

According to the program I'm following I'll remain at this level for many weeks.  That's fine with me, but I do think that as I acclimate to it I'll try to move to more free weights -- they add a useful element of challenge.

I had less time for the post-lift cardio i'd been doing, so I shaved off 8 minutes from it (doing only 7 minutes of "cool down" walking).  I find this to my liking -- I'd much rather lift weights to pained exhaustion than walk for 8 minutes.

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