Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 56

Jogged 4.6mi (in 45 minutes).

This was close to my best jog numerically, but I believe it was my best qualitatively. After the 2 minute walk to warm up i jogged 3.1mi straight (in 25 minutes), a personal best. Then i interspersed walking and jogging to finish up.

I am trying to get back on the wagon. My innumerable followers will note that I'd been silent for the last two weeks. It's because I hurt my shoulder somehow -- it was sufficiently painful that i lost two nights of sleep, so i didn't give much thought to running or lifting. Even now, after I'm off of the narcotics and anti-inflammatories I am reluctant to lift or swim for fear of reawakening it. That was pretty awful, and I didn't get any root cause (just a guess that it was a muscle strain, which I reject since the only thing i'd done before it was jog once after spring break).

But I jogged really well today, and if i feel well tomorrow I'll try some easy lifting.

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