Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 35

Lousy day swimming - only 24 laps.

It wasn't really a physical limitation, I just had a really hard time getting into it -- it was all I could do to keep from quitting after about 12.  I pushed and got up to 18, and climbed out of the pool.  Then conscience kicked in and I went back and swam 2 hard laps to see if a change of pace helped.  Then i swam 2 more normal laps.  Then I climbed out again.  Then i got back in once more and swam two more hard ones.

The good news is that I:

  • resisted the temptation to quit super early
  • swam 100 yards in 1:40, which is a mere minute off of the world record.
The bad news is that for no physical reason I despised swimming and gave up at 2/3 of my normal distance.

It's tempting to blame the time change, or the weekend's above-average activity, but I think I just "wasn't into it."  If I can't get back in the game later this week I'll need to find something I can do instead -- perhaps try the couch-to-5k jogging system, or maybe step up my biking now that the weather is hopefully improving.

1 comment:

  1. I was so vexed at my swimming less than usual that I went back in the evening and put in 15 more laps. So the day's total is up to 39 - more respectable.

    I also did more faster ones.
