Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 19

Swam 26 laps.

Again I swam in lap increments (rather than lengths), and continue to focus on technique, I know I'm doing things wrong but am not sure how to do them right.  Perhaps I'll get a swimming lesson.

I was sick yesterday, so i missed my second lift this week.  It's probably just as well - i was still quite sore from Tuesday's session (and still feel it today, 3 days later).  If I'm feeling ambitious i may sneak in on the weekend -- we'll see.  I do feel a little run down and might benefit from starting next week fresh.

If i don't sneak in i'll do something cardio-ish this weekend to atone.

After reading a little about nutrition, i guzzled down a chocolate-milk-style breakfast drink after swimming today.  I believe this is an acceptable deviation from my normal "no sweets during the week" rule.

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