Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 97

Lifted lousily.

Then walked.

I felt a little weird when i got up, i vaguely recall waking up in the night, so maybe i was a bit ill-rested.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 96

Jogged 4.12mi in 43:30 -- a 5.68mph pace.

Again, not stellar numbers, but I did jog 2.5 miles at 6.9mph before taking a break, so that's good.  I also felt fine afterward.

Weight remains a bit high - 178 - i don't think it's muscle.  We'll see if i can't claw some jam off my back of the next couple weeks.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 95

Boot Camp

That was super hard -- maybe it was the week out of town that took it out of me -- sleeping and eating differently.  I'll hope so.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 94

Lifted weights.

Hit a few things hard: dead lifts, chest press, curls, and military press, but not much beyond that.  Then I walked for 13 minutes.

I was a little sore from yesterday's spin class (more saddle-sore than muscle-sore), and a little drowsy.

I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger, and that my efforts might be better spent on less focused weight-training and more on comprehensive toning.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 93

Class - Spin!

My first spin class -- it was very hard.  The instructor did note that it was a particularly hard class and not one she'd have recommended as a first attempt, so perhaps the future will be easier.  Even so, I survived.

They also do a mini-bootcamp type workout beforehand which i didn't know about, but will participate in next time.

This could be a good Tuesday activity.  My ever-fluctuating regimen as it stands now:

  • Monday - Jog
  • Tuesday - Spin
  • Wednesday - Lift
  • Thursday - Elliptical & Row
  • Friday - Boot Camp
It's a good variety, if not a particularly targeted approach at exercise.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 92

Jogged 4.1mi at a 5.47mph pace.

 Not my fastest, but I was sore from a reasonably active weekend -- I did Habitat for Humanity on Saturday (build day 1 -- lots of hammering and lifting OSB), and splashed around in the lake with the kids on Sunday.

I actually walked a lot during my "jog" this morning, but interspersed it with slightly faster runs - usually back around 7.2mph, and then finished with 2 minutes at 8.5mph.

I ate a lot over the weekend.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 91

Boot Camp

Hard as usual, but not as hard as previously.  Alternate instructor actually lets you breathe.  I still fell far short on the abdominal exercises.

I'll start doing daily situps and pushups at home.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 90

30 minutes of elliptical & 10 minutes of rowing.

Thursdays are a wildcard day for me - i've occasionally skipped exercise, or swum, or made stuff up.  Today was a pretty good made-up day.

I did elliptical for 30 minutes on level 15 at ~60rpm -- got me good and sweaty and supposedly burned a bit over 500 calories.  I tried to deliberately use my arms and shoulders to relieve my legs -- it went okay.

Then, hoping to give a little more attention to my core/back i tried a rowing machine.  I don't know how much it did my core or back, but it certainly hit my shoulders hard.  Just doing 10 minutes was a challenge -- i did it on the hardest setting (10) and probably averaged 27 strokes per minute.  That supposedly burned off another 130 or so calories.

In all, a good cardio workout that only hit my shoulders particularly hard -- hopefully i'll be able to do boot camp tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 89

Traipsed 4.04 mi in 45 minutes -- a 5.4mph pace.

Definitely one of my weaker efforts, but i was sore from yesterday's lift.  I look at it as good for basic cardio fitness and burning off about 559 of the calories i ate last night in cereal.  Certainly better than skipping the day.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 88


I did my dumb bell chest press, dead lifts, situps, and various shoulder-oriented stuff.  I wimped out on pull-ups, curls, and squats.  I also did 10 minutes of vigorous walking.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 87

Longer and slower: 5.05 mi in 55 minutes (a 5.5mph pace).

I expected to be fresher/stronger coming off of a 2 week hiatus and full of food, but apparently not.  I jogged some but walked a lot to try to get my body back into working shape.

Between renewing my exercise and going back to my planned dietary practices I hope i can shed some of the obvious (and slightly uncomfortable) weight i've gained.