Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 86

Jogged 4.77 mi at a 6.36mph pace -- tied my previous best.

But this time was on hills and consequently burned more calories (707, if the machine is to be believed).  I think i could have kept going for a little while too -- i felt okay at the end.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 85

Boot Camp class.

Guest teach - a little more repetitive today than usual, but still strong overall workout.  I'm surprised i'm not more fit than I am -- I've worked pretty hard for pretty long and can't come close to doing all these calisthenics.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 84

Jogged 4.26mi at 5.68mph.

Not a great day, except insofar as i have skipped Thursdays recently but actually exercised today.  The random hill intervals the treadmill gives me are hard!  I feel some of yesterday's workout - maybe that impacted my jogging.

My weight has crept up as i've softened my hard line stances on eating.  I need to renew my efforts there.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 83


A little heavier than usual for chest and dead lift.  A little fewer for some other things.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 82

Jogged 4.46mi at 5.95mph pace (in my fixed 45 minutes).

Not my furthest or fastest (I walked for 4 minutes in the middle), but pretty good.  I again did random hills on the treadmill at 6.8mph, on level 7, which varied the incline between 0 and 6.3 in increments of .9.  The steep parts were tough.  Hopefully these intervals are as beneficial as everyone says.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 81

Swam 10 laps.

I wanted something that wouldn't leave me sore for Friday's bootcamp, but would jangle the muscles loose that I'd exercised on Wednesday.  Swimming seemed ideal.

It was a lot harder than i remembered!  I didn't hurt myself this time, though, and I didn't hate it.  Perhaps I can work it back into the rotation.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 80

Lifted heavy weights and did some elliptical.

Again focused on my core with crunches and dead lifts (155lbs!), but also hit arms (45 lb dumbbell chest press) and legs (squats holding 35lb dumbbells).

I tried another couple motions to get my sides and upper back -- we'll see if it makes me sore.

Then I hit the elliptical pretty hard for 10 mins to work out the kinks and stretched.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 79

Jogged 4.26 miles at 5.68mph.

That's a step back speed and distance-wise from my recent trend, which I attribute to trying an interval program today.  I asked for 'random' hills at level 5 (of 20) for 40 minutes (then 5 minutes of cool down).  It was harder than usual, but less boring.  Even so, I couldn't jog the whole time -- either because I was sore from Friday or just had poor will-power i walked for about 4 minutes in the middle.

Even so, I'm pleased with it -- i'll do it several more times and see if i can do better.

I gained 4 lbs over the weekend -- evidently sweet cereal, grilled cheese, pizza, and cookies aren't the way to keep weight off.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 78

Class - Boot Camp.

Different instructor today -- it was still immensely hard but a little different somehow.  Maybe a few more exercise variants with fewer reps each?  In any case it was still brutal and i'll feel it tomorrow.  Good stuff.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 77

Jogged 4.65 mi at a 6.2mph pace.

Again, not my fastest (though top 3), but a victory in the sense that by going slower than earlier i was able to go longer.  I jogged both longer and faster than on Monday (of which i was proud) -- I jogged for 38 solid minutes going a minimum of 6.7mph, and walked on either end.

A colleague told me that steady pace and steady incline is a terrible way to do this, and indicated intervals and hill programs on treadmills were the thing.  I'll try that for a few weeks and see if it's easier or harder and whether it makes me any better.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 76


Miscellaneous free weights -- a little heavier than usual for fewer reps.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 75

Jogged 4.59 mi at a 6.1mph pace.

Although it wasn't my best day speed or distance-wise, i would rate it my best jog yet because I jogged 3.86 miles solid.  The reason it wasn't a record was because I did it at a slower speed on the treadmill than usual - 6.5 mph rather than my usual 7.5.  So I jogged nearly the whole time instead of interspersing walking -- i don't know if that's better or worse for my heart and/or muscles, but it felt like an accomplishment.

This weekend we went back to the trail leading to Sope creek -- good times, and a little exercise:

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