Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 9

Last night I read about, and today began, a general purpose weight-training routine.  It involves 9 exercises done in order and book-ended by an aerobic warm-up and cool-down.  It matches my objectives well and has progressive phases to help beginners like me work toward a respectable steady-state.  We'll see how it goes.

Here's what the routine looks like:

"12 RM Weight" means the weight that I can lift 12 times before failing in good form, and I gave what I did today in lbs.  I think i got pretty close -- some were a little easier than others.

I didn't think I would be able to do all of those -- it looked like they hit the same muscles over and over again.  I was able to do it, however, and at the end i felt like it hit me pretty comprehensively, so i'm pleased.  After 3 sessions you're supposed to double the number of reps (from 1 set of 12 to 2 sets of 12) -- I am doubtful i'll be able to do it, but we'll see.

I had never done deadlifts before, but the internet seems to think they're quite the thing, so i gave it a shot.  They did take more of my body than I expected, and I'm sure i looked foolish with my wimpy weights over there in the frightening side of the gym, but one day i'll be kicking sand in their faces.  They'll see.

The briefer routine gave me more time for vigorous walking, so i did 10 minutes before and 15 minutes after at my same 7.0 incline at 3.6mph.  Supposedly that burned 260 calories.  w00t.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 8

Swimming - 15 laps.

  • 3.5 back stroke
  • 1 breast stroke
  • 1 side stroke
  • 9.5 freestyle
Continued to focus on freestyle technique - I think I might have done 2 of the 9.5 laps properly - i had less trouble breathing and they seemed to go faster.  On the other hand, i inhaled a lot of water on other laps, so it's a work in progress.

I was impressed by another swimmer, probably 10 years my senior, who was swimming faster than i was when i got there and continued the entire time i was there without stopping.  I had to pause and breathe almost between each length.  I have oodles of room for improvement.

Contrary to what i anticipated, I am only mildly sore today, and it's all in my shoulders and chest rather than my core.  The good news there is that i can do it all again on Thursday.  The bad news is that i'm not sure yesterday's regimen was as effective as last week's situps that enfeebled me for most of a week.

I had an 8am meeting (normally i finish showering and get to my desk around 8:30), but rather than using it as an excuse to skip swimming I got up extra early to make sure i stayed on track.  Maintaining momentum is key for my continued success.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 7

I tried to do everything except swim today.  I'd like to eventually get to the point i can do the full variety of lifting on both tuesdays and thursdays (while swimming MWF), but i think i'll be too sore in some areas for a while to do it more than once weekly.

Today i hit it pretty hard, exploring what might make a good mix - (reps x weight):

  • 50 x 90 lower back machine.
  • 50 x 70 twist core machine.
  • 20 x 50 tricep press.
  • 20 x 50 wing flapping
  • 20 x 70 crunch machine
  • 5 x 100 press machine (bicep/chest)
  • 5 x 50 press machine alternate motion (chest)
  • 5 x 50 "fly" (chest)
  • 12 x 50 curl
  • 10 x 75 lat pull

And i walked vigorously for about 20 minutes, 210 calories, and had my heart around 155 for the duration.

I realize the weights aren't that impressive for someone my size - chalk it up to:

  1. I'm weak and just starting
  2. I'm more interested in endurance right now than brute strength
  3. I wanted to try a number of things
I like the walking -- i think cardio is one of my biggest deficiencies and improving it needs to be my primary focus.  it also feels like serves as a warm up (I did 5 minutes at the beginning) to wake my body up, and a post-lift "stretch" (I did 15 minutes afterward) to jangle the muscles loose afterward.  I have no scientific grounding for that stance, but it feels right.

I think tomorrow i will be very sore - particularly in the core (again) and likely in the arm/chest/shoulders (they already feel tight an hour later).  Hopefully i'll be able to swim tomorrow.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 6

Swimming - 15 laps [new record!]  Negligible residual soreness from weekend.

  • 4 breast stroke
  • 3 back stroke
  • 2 side stroke
  • 6 freestyle.

The focus on freestyle follows some reading i did over the weekend which made me realize i am a terrible, terrible swimmer.  Evidently there's technique that makes a difference, and every single thing i could be doing wrong (with the exception of drowning) i was doing.

So having watched a bunch of videos and read a bunch of articles all focused on freestlye, i tried the new techniques.  I didn't notice any improvement in speed, ease, breathing, or anything, but I did feel it much more in my shoulders.  It's hard to implement a bunch of improvements at once, but i'll keep trying.

The extra laps is probably due to:

  1. I got here early and had extra time
  2. i didn't feel terrible yet.
  3. I was vexed at my inability to swim per the specs.
Regardless of why, it's a win.  40 mins later i feel good, though fatigued as usual.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 1

Exercised 5 days: 3 swim, 2 "lift". Body feels a pervasive, low-grade fatigue and soreness. Probably will be gone by Monday to begin afresh. This approach (timing, level-of-effort, physical toll) feels sustainable and will likely be very beneficial. A very successful first week.

Day 5

Swimming (3rd time) about 22 minutes. 12 laps [[new record]] - 3 each of breast stroke, freestyle, side stroke, back stroke. slight shoulder & calf soreness from yesterday's weights. slight soreness from core work 3 days ago. again mostly fine in the pool (hampered by aerobic unfitness rather than strength there), and very fatigued afterward.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 4

alternate strength. Was still sore from 2 days ago's core workout, and swam yesterday (and want to tomorrow) so contrived a new alternate: walking, then leg and upper back strength. walked 20 minutes at 7.0 incline at 3.6mph. hit 140bpm after 4 minutes, hovered near 150 the rest of the time. supposedly burned 200 calories -- not bad! felt like a fairly vigorous walk - was sweaty, but not tired. then did machines for front and back of upper legs. then rowing-type machine for upper back. a little of a wing-flapping machine for shoulders.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 3

Swimming. 35 mins - 5 mins resting. 11 laps - 3 breast stroke, 3 side stroke, 3 back stroke, 2 freestyle. must have gone slower than last time, but did better with freestyle. significant soreness from yesterday's core workout didn't hinder. felt spent immediately after but subsiding an hour later.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 2

Misc core muscle exercise machines for 35 minutes. Primarily lower back and that mid-section twisting machine. 15 sit-ups, 10 leg lifts. Some triceps. feel used, but fine an hour later.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 1

Swam 26 minutes (including 3 mins resting). 3 breast stroke laps, 3 side stroke laps, 3 back stroke laps, 2 very feeble freestyle, and jogged one lap. Felt fine in the pool, but had trouble climbing out. Felt spent for an hour or two afterward.