Jogged (+walked) 3.7mi in 35 minutes.
I went easier today because I was still very sore from Friday's "Boot Camp" class. Even so, the shorter time meant i spent a greater proportion jogging than usual, so my average speed was 6.4mph rather than 6.1. I jogged around 2.5mi of the 3.7, and did the last 90 seconds of my last jogging stint at 9mph.
I am ambivalent regarding my exercise - on one hand i am extremely pleased with my vastly improved cardio performance and weight loss, but on the other am amazed at how sore i frequently am and how challenging i found friday's class. I'll try to see it as a challenge to improve.
My weight loss is definitely noticeable -- I've dropped 2 belt notches and have gone beyond the "clothes fitting better" phase into the "clothes fitting worse" phase as they become looser. I don't see significantly more muscular definition, but I can feel more of it as my fat recedes. I wonder how long this can go on.
I wish I wanted to swim - I know it's good for me, and it was great when i was too sore to do anything else, but, alas, I still grin inwardly every time i walk past the pool and don't have to get in it.