Saturday, October 6, 2018

i am become a jogger, destroyer of calves

I jogged today (Saturday) because i missed Friday but wanted to keep progressing toward Thanksgiving 5k readiness.  I wound up going jogging 7.9 miles (then walking another .4) - nobody was more surprised than me.  That is more than double my previous personal best (of around 3.5 miles).


  • running slow helped me go much further
    • I averaged barely 6mph - just under 10 minute miles.
  • music (wife's exercise playlist) and progress notifications (from runtastic app) help.
    • They're distracting and encouraging, respectively.
  • uphill is hard
    • i might have been able to keep going, except that the last quarter mile or so was all uphill so i was pretty winded.
  • better shoes would have helped a little
    • I left my running shoes at work and wore normal new balance sneakers, which were okay but I did notice the difference
  • My calves were sore later in the day
    • i did walk to cool down a bit, and then even sort of stretched... for about 45 seconds :)
The route was nearly my whole neighborhood -- all the little side streets and cul-de-sacs -- I just hugged the right curb and went all through the (no outlet) neighborhood streets.

My phone died at 5.74 miles (which was 57 minutes in), so 6mph jogging.  The 7.9 mi jog + 0.4 mi walk took from 7:37am to 9:15 - 98 minutes, so about 5mph all told.

So anyway, I hate running less than i used to, mostly because i don't run now - i jog slow.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Longest biking in a while

I went biking by myself on Saturday and covered a little more than 37 miles in a little less than 3 hours.  I am very saddle-sore, but gratified that i was able to go from home to work and back.  Perhaps in the near future I'll try actually biking to work for work.

Too bad it's getting dark early (and i'd have to leave super early be there showered and ready for my 8:30 meeting).