Monday, February 27, 2017


A couple notable achievements:

  • On Feb 25, 2017, I ran the Lost Mountain 5k.   I finished in 27:20.08 -- a personal best (although i've only 2 two 5ks previously).
  • On Feb 27, 2017, I squatted 225 (5 sets of 5 reps) for the first time.  This was a milestone because it's 2 45lb plates on each side.
I've been less disciplined on the diet side and my weight has ticked up to around 187, but if I can continue to improve my run and lift I'm not concerned.

Today was a good lifting day -- aside from the 225 squat, I deadlifted 265, hazarded some overheads (despite my shoulder) at 85 lbs, did 51 pull-ups (in sets of 8-11), and did planks (2m front, 1:15 each side).

Most importantly, i feel my efforts toward exercise have continued to make me more functional: I was able to mix a lot of concrete and set 17 posts for a garden enclosure on Saturday (after running the 5k).  That's not something I'd have been able to do a year ago.